Mary Hay/Peyton/Shuttles Commons

May Hay, Peyton, Shuttles Commons 佳洁士

Diversity | 团结 | Integrity | 和谐


Get a sense of the community

通过翻阅图片库或观看视频,感受一下民族主义者行动党(mhp) Commons提供的一切. 如果你愿意,可以亲自参观校园,或者参加在线360°房间参观.

We've got a lot to offer


Fully furnished rooms
  • Furniture (per resident): desk, chair, bed, & 梳妆台
  • Wired and wireless internet
  • Free on-site washer/dryers
  • ADA-compliant rooms available
  • Electricity, water, sewer, & recycling/trash service included
Designed for community
  • Free laundry
  • Movable furniture
  • Study rooms and spaces
  • 游戏的房间
  • 教室
  • Community microwaves
Convenient location
  • Walk or bike to class
  • Nearby parking in Binkley garage or Airline Garage
  • Easy access to Umphrey Lee
  • 位于校园中心位置,方便前往教学楼, Dedman Recreation Center, Hughes-Trigg Student Center
An academically-oriented environment
  • 24-hour study rooms and spaces
  • Faculty-in-Residence
  • 同行学术领袖(PALs),荣誉导师和学生健康冠军
  • Educational programs
Worry-free features
  • Professional, on-site maintenance
  • 24-hour, on-call staff
  • Card-controlled building access
  • Security escorts
  • Roommate matching available
  • Adjacent bicycle racks

Sample floor plans 

Sketches are for illustration only; actual room layouts and furnishings may vary.

Peyton double room

Peyton Double


Mary Hay and Shuttles double room

Shuttles and MH Double

Mary Hay single room



Building facts

 Community abbreviations  民族主义者行动党(mhp)
 Building capacity  358 (Peyton-97, Mary Hay-110, Shuttles-151)
 年建成  Peyton-1950, Mary Hay-1959, Shuttles, 1957
 Residential area  北
 Physical address

 Peyton 6200 Hillcrest Avenue

 Mary Hay 6201 Bishop Boulevard

 Shuttles 6210 Hillcrest Avenue

 房间类型  Singles and doubles
 性别  Co-ed by gender by room


About our namesakes

玛丽·海伊大厅是为了纪念新大前女院长玛丽·兰德尔·海伊而命名的.  玛丽·兰德尔·海(1864-1953)是史蒂芬·J·海的遗孀. Hay, the mayor of Dallas when SMU was established. 1916年丈夫去世后,玛丽·海成为新大的女院长,任期为1923年至1934年. 院长海伊的领导为女学生建造了更多的住房, 1927年, under her leadership, 所有女学生都可以搬进弗吉尼亚和斯奈德大厅.

佩顿大厅 is named in memory of 乔治·L. Peyton, member of the SMU Board of Trustees.  乔治·L. Peyton (1884-1939) was a Methodist minister, director of Wesley Bible Choir, Professor of Religion, 1934年至1939年担任新大董事会成员. Following his death, 莱拉·佩顿·霍尔(1888-1972)结束了她丈夫在新大董事会的任期. 她还出资建造了佩顿音乐厅以纪念她丈夫, 她还资助了佩顿讲道讲师. Following her death in 1972, 1977年,作为总统学者计划的一部分,莱拉·佩顿·霍尔基金会是为了纪念她而成立的.

Robert Hall Shuttles(1878-1955)是达拉斯地区的商人, 牧师, philanthropist, former chair of the SMU Board of Trustees.

Room and furniture dimensions

Mary Hay Hall

Square footage ranges

  • Single Rooms: 90-160 sq.ft.
  • Double/Single Suites: 185-250 sq.ft.
  • Double/Double Suites: 185-250 sq.ft.
Furniture dimensions
  • Desk: 30" H x 17" W x 24.5' D
  • 梳妆台:30" H x 29.5'" W x 24.5' D
  • Bed: 80" L x 36" W (XL Length Loftable Twin)
  • 窗户:45英寸宽(高度取决于地板)


Square footage ranges

  • Single Rooms: 90-160 sq.ft.
  • Double/Single Suites: 185-250 sq.ft.
  • Double/Double Suites: 185-250 sq.ft.

Furniture dimensions

  • Desk: 30" H x 29" W x 28' D
  • Desk Storage Unit: 30”H X 17”W X 24 ½”D
  • 梳妆台:30”H X 29 ½”W X 24 ½”D
  • Bed: 80" L x 36" W (XL Length Loftable Twin)
  • 窗户:45英寸宽(高度取决于地板)

Shuttles Hall

Square footage ranges

  • Single Rooms: 90-160 sq.ft.
  • Double/Single Suites: 185-250 sq.ft.
  • Double/Double Suites: 185-250 sq.ft.

Furniture dimensions

  • Desk: 30" H x 29" W x 28' D
  • Desk Storage Unit: 30”H X 17”W X 28”D
  • 梳妆台:30”H X 29 ½”W X 24 ½”D
  • Bed: 80" L x 36" W (XL Length Loftable Twin)
  • 窗户:45英寸宽(高度取决于地板)

Serve where you live: Engage Dallas 

Engage Dallas是一项基于地点的社区参与倡议,通过新大的住宅公地来解决社区需求,重点关注达拉斯南部和西部. The initiative is a long-term, 由学生领导的全校承诺与当地居民合作, organizations, 和其他领导人一起积极影响社区. 这一倡议同样强调了校园和社区的影响.


在Mary Hay/Peyton/ shuttle Commons (民族主义者行动党(mhp))中,我们关注的是 移民 & Refugee Supports as a community need in Dallas. 民族主义者行动党(mhp)学生通过与当地合作伙伴合作举办服务活动来解决这个问题, Dallas Furniture Bank心的房子, Trusted WorldIntensive English Program to directly help those most in need. 我们服务的学生对当前的社会问题有了更广泛的了解, 与城市和他们的同龄人建立社区, can earn their Community Engagement and Civics & Individual Ethics proficiencies required for graduation. 参与达拉斯培养独特和丰富的经验,为新大学生探索和服务达拉斯! 

Start serving today! 

问题? Email your 民族主义者行动党(mhp) Engage Dallas Student Director, Manasvi Kanneganti at

What you can expect


Taste of Diversity

品味多样性是民族主义者行动党(mhp)公共部门的年度活动,旨在提升我们自己的多样性价值声明, 和谐, 团结, Integrity. At this event, 社区成员有机会通过最好的途径来了解世界各地的不同文化:食物! Cuisines from across the world, locally sourced in Dallas, are on dis玩 as students learn about the 他们来自国家和文化以及学生的表演.

Dr. 阿尔贝托·帕斯特(驻校教师)和民族主义者行动党(mhp)学生在外面参加TAPAS活动

餐前小吃 & 更多的

每个星期, 阿尔贝托。, our Faculty-in-Residence, 欢迎每一位同学来此享受美食和社交乐趣. 作为土生土长的西班牙人,他带来了围绕着被称为“tapas”的小菜进行社交的传统。. 学生们有机会品尝西班牙小吃和其他国际美食. 餐前小吃 & 更多的是一个充满活力的活动,民族主义者行动党(mhp)的居民也参与了不同背景的新大学生组织, faculty members, guests from the Dallas community.


民族主义者行动党(mhp) Birthday Bash

The newest 民族主义者行动党(mhp) tradition, the 民族主义者行动党(mhp) Birthday bash. 这是民族主义者行动党(mhp)吉祥物三角龙欧文的生日派对,也是民族主义者行动党(mhp)所有人的生日派对. This event has food, 草坪上游戏, birthday activities, cake that will happen every year, but with a revolving theme. 这个活动在四月下旬举行,作为年终庆祝活动.

Live, learn, achieve—together

了解Mary Hay/Peyton/Shuttles Commons的住校教师和住校社区主任.

阿尔贝托。 Pastor

Dr. 阿尔贝托。 Pastor (He/him/his)


阿尔贝托·帕斯特是西班牙马德里人,自2005年以来一直在新大教授语言学. 他的研究兴趣是语言理论和与美国西班牙语相关的社会语言学问题,如语言接触, language ideologies and attitudes, linguistic landscapes. In his classes and personal life, 他试图在整个社会中成为多语言和多元文化的倡导者. Along with his wife Martha, their son Alejandro, 他们很高兴能继续HPMS共享的多样性价值观和传统, to be part and foster this community. Learn more about Dr. Pastor and his family.

Roman Peterson

Roman Peterson (He/him/his)

Residential Community Director

Roman is born and raised a Texan. Originally from Lake Jackson, TX, 他获得了Texas State University的心理学学士学位和Oklahoma State University的教育领导硕士学位. 他热衷于帮助学生成为他们想成为的人,并成为他们旅程的一部分. 罗曼喜欢学习任何东西, 玩ing video and board games, watching tv and Dr. 胡椒. 顺便去他在玛丽海的办公室好好谈谈.



Assistant Residential Community Director  

Anna is from Portland, 她在贝勒大学(Baylor University)获得政治学学士学位. 她目前正在攻读高等教育硕士学位. 她期待为未来的领导者营造一个生活学习的环境. 安娜在空闲时间喜欢阅读、打高尔夫球和烘焙.