

作为住房申请的一部分, each student signs the 新大住房许可协议 and a copy of the document is emailed to the student’s SMU email address after completion. 以下是一些需要牢记的要点:

  • 许可协议适用于整个学年, 秋季和春季学期的许可协议适用于整个学年, 或者剩下的任何部分, 对于学年开始后搬进来的学生.
  • 许可协议仅适用于一个空间, 并不能保证会被分配到特定的大楼, 房间类型或与特定的室友.
  • 分配到宿舍的学生需要一份膳食计划, Smith-Perkins和SMU Blvd 3050号.
  • 取消申请可能会被罚款. 具体细节见房屋许可协议.


在宿舍开放之前 & 搬进来,学生只能取消他们的住房申请 and 许可协议 as outlined below.


  • 如果离开新大,在校生必须填写退学文件 学生成功与留校办公室 (休假或正式离职).
  • 如要求豁免,学生可在 新大房屋入门网站. 提交豁免请求并不意味着将获得豁免. 学生将通过电子邮件收到决定通知. 如获豁免,舍监会将取消房屋申请 & 许可协议. Cancellation penalties will apply for returning residents after April 1 正如 housing 许可协议.
  • 如果被批准出国留学,学生必须于6月1日前通知书院. 6月1日以后,可能会有取消的处罚.


  • 非必修学生可以通过填写取消申请来取消 新大房屋入门网站 可用时或通过电子邮件housing@cndg88.com. Cancellation penalties will apply after April 1 正如 housing 许可协议.
  • 如果离开新大,学生应联系 学生成功办公室 & Retention.
  • 如获批准出国留学,学生必须于6月1日前通知RLSH. 6月1日以后,可能会有取消的处罚.


宿舍开放后 & 搬进来,学生只能取消他们的住房申请 & 许可协议如下.


  • Contact the 学生成功与留校办公室 退课并完成所需文件(请假或正式离校)
  • 通知RLSH并退房.
  • Prorated charges will apply in accordance with the Bursar’s withdrawal/cancellation policy, 基于出发/退房日期.

Students who decide to leave SMU after the Fall semester must move out at the end of the Fall term when the residential communities close.

  1. Contact the 学生成功与留校办公室 to complete required paperwork ( Leave of Absence or Formal Exit) and withdraw from Spring classes (if applicable.)
  2. 通知RLSH并在秋季学期结束日期前退房.
  3. Students who decide to withdraw after the residential communities are closed must make arrangements with RLSH to move out. 取消处罚将适用于秋季截止日期之后的取消, 正如 新大住房许可协议.

Residents who wish to end their housing but will remain enrolled may petition for release from their housing obligation. The petition process is designed for students who have encountered unforeseeable circumstances which occurred after move in which now prohibit them from residing in their assigned space.

  1. 学生必须向RLSH提交一份完整的释放申请表格和相关文件.
  2. 提交释放申请并不意味着释放将被批准. 
  3. 住房上诉委员会以滚动方式审查请愿书, 一般每月两次.
  4. The Housing Appeals committee will assess the circumstances presented by the student in the petition and whether there are viable options available for providing alternative on-campus housing.
  5. If released, 学生将收到有关结果的电子邮件通知, 由此产生的财务义务和有关退房截止日期的信息.

Students who move out without being a release are obligated for any and all remaining portions of their housing agreement.




Residents request a roommate on the 新大房屋入门网站 when reapplying for the upcoming year. 

  • 在应用程序的舍友部分中, 使用SMU ID搜索来请求和接受你的室友.
  • 申请室友的截止日期是3月1日.
  • Returning residents who complete the request/accept roommate process in the SMU Housing portal by March 1 are able to reserve a room together during Reapplication/Room Selection.
  • 返校学生不得要求新生作为室友. (唯一的例外是兄弟姐妹.)

Roommates are a priority for all concerned, and that is why there are established deadlines. 不能保证在3月1日截止日期之后室友的请求或更改, 但我们会在可用空间的基础上尽最大可能予以尊重. We know there are reasons why a student may wish to add, change or drop a roommate request. 任何更改(无论是删除或添加)必须以书面形式提交至 housing@cndg88.com 并可能得到进一步的指示,加入等候名单. 

在这一年中,室友的请求通过房间更换流程进行管理, 学生与他们的RCD见面,开始申请流程. 这在门户网站上是不可用的.

Room Changes

我想换房间? 我们鼓励您从与您的RCD交谈开始. 每个学期的第二周开始要求换房间.

  • The 住宅共用 experience is a foundational experience at SMU and students are expected to stay in their RC for their first year. 除了有限的例外情况,一年级学生不能转到另一个RC.
  • The room change process is designed to address conflict or concern between roommates before a change is made.
  • 所有的房间变更必须在搬迁之前得到RLSH员工的批准. 未经批准擅自搬家的学生将被要求搬回指定的房间.
  • 新大拥有多元化的人口, 学生来自不同的背景, beliefs, nationalities, 民族文化. 根据室友的背景要求换房间, beliefs, nationality, 性取向, 种族或民族文化将不被批准.
  • There are times when an administrative or conduct move may take precedent over a move initiated by a resident or RCD.
  • When a room change request involves more than one student (such as a roommate swap) all parties must agree to the change.

首先,联系您的住宿社区主任更改申请表. 其次,您将与您的RCD会面讨论请求. 根据请求的原因,RCD将决定接下来的步骤. 以下是学生希望换房间的常见原因, 与针对每种情况的附加流程信息配对. 

  • 室友差异: 您的RCD将与您和您的室友一起解决问题和冲突. Roommate mediation is the starting point, and roommates should have completed the roommate agreement. 根据空间和情况,可经调解后批准房间变更或交换.
  • Single room: 所有的单间都已分配完毕,本学期不希望有空房. 您的RCD将保留您的申请表30天. 如果有单人房的话, RCD将使用变更请求的订单日期来填写单.
  • 室友的要求: 我们已经没有空的双人房了. If you live in the same building, you may speak with your RCD about options to swap roommates. 在民盟批准交换之前,各方必须达成一致.
  • 对上层住宅的要求: 对UDH感兴趣的二年级,三年级和四年级学生可以向他们的RCD咨询.
  • 残疾住宿: 住宿要求向DASS办公室提出, 如果需要住宿,RLSH会收到通知. 在学年期间, 拥有新住所的居民将被列入重新分配的“等待名单”.


  • 如果变更获得批准,您的RCD将通过电子邮件通知您. 一般来说,搬家必须在48小时内完成. 未经批准不许动.

  • 没有可用的空间来进行移动.
  • 行政措施, including those for conduct and DASS accommodation may take precedent over a move initiated by a resident.
  • 以前的换房请求可能正在进行中.
  • 如果交换中的一个或多个居民受到压力或胁迫.


Residence Life & Student Housing (RLSH) recognizes that some students may need to move out later than the scheduled closing of our residential communities in order to meet academic, personal, 或部门要求.

大学的官方假期包括秋季假期, 感恩节假期, Winter Break, 和春假.

学生可以住在分配给他们的房间里. Students who leave during breaks may leave their belongings in their assigned room at their own risk.

Winter break
Residents who have extenuating circumstances which necessitate being on-campus after the residence halls close for Fall semester may request to reside in their room during Winter Break. 申请可在晚秋至12月1日在新大住房门户网站.

Residents who need to stay after the Spring closing date may request an extension or late-stay request for the following reasons:

  • 学术的原因
  • 参加兄弟姐妹的毕业典礼
  • 春季学期和夏季学期之间的临时住房
  • 国际航班

如果获得批准,每晚收费25美元. 申请延期的截止日期是5月1日.

Waiting Lists

对我们一些空间的需求非常高,所以我们保留了一些等候名单. 在重新申请/房间选择期间(3月),许多受欢迎的房间类型将被填满. 有可能在房间选择之后和秋季学期开始之前, 这些房间中有些会空出来. This occurs for a variety of reasons and allows us to move some students into these vacancies. However, 空间总是供不应求, 在候补名单上并不能保证改变一定会发生.

  • Waitlists are only available to undergraduate students (sophomores and above) who have an active housing assignment for the Fall semester. 
  • 等待名单将于3月底在新大住宿门户网站上开放.
  • 学生可以通过新大住房门户网站在住房申请中添加候补名单.
  • 等候名单截止到7月22日, 除非因为库存有限而提前关门, 然后在8月1日到期.
  • 一个学生可以在候补名单上的人数没有限制, 但是一旦候补名单上的人被分配了, 所有其他等候名单申请将被取消. 学生们可以告诉我们他们的首选, and indicate if they only want to be assigned if they are also assigned with their preferred roommate.

Re-assignments from a waiting list are made based on availability and in the order students are added to the waitlist. We do not report on your place in waitlist queue because it does not reflect your chances of being assigned to your preferred room type.

我们有好几种房间的等候名单, 还有一份等待名单是由于新室友的要求而申请重新分配的学生. 

  • 单一住宅共用地(学生只可使用现时共用地)
  • 双重住宅共用地(学生只分配到他们目前的共用地)
  • 新大道3050号(双人间)
  • Smith-Perkins(单一)
  • Smith-Perkins(双)
  • 马丁公寓(单人房,只限大三及大四学生)
  • 摩尔屋(双人)
  • 汤姆斯宿舍(单人房,只限大三及大四学生)
  • 室友请求(仅限新请求):供考虑, both students must join the waiting list and be willing to be moved to any room available on-campus

Students who did not live on-campus during housing Reapplication may not join a waiting list if they receive an assignment in the Summer. Housing availability is very limited and housing assignments will only be made if space is available in late-July and August.

First year students are randomly assigned to a 住宅共用, and may not be on a waitlist. Transfer students are assigned to housing on a space-available basis and may not be on a waitlist. 有关申请住房的更多信息,请参阅未来居民!